Astronomers Digital Clock displays several clocks on your screen. You will be able to see your system´s time both in conventional and scientific format, the UTC time, the current Julian Date, the Greenwich Sidereal Time. It will also indicate your Time Zone, Longitude and Local Sidereal Time (LST). You can choose between three possible color combinations for the program to show.
Unfortunately, the program can handle just a few time zones: 0, +2 (incorrectly stated as +3), -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, +9 and +10. Just nine time zones from the possible twenty four. Even after you enter your longitude manually, the program will not be able to calculate the correct UTC time, the GST or your LST.
ADC can display a monthly calendar from any year from 2002 to date. It has built-in direct access to Windows´ Calculator, NotePad or WordPad. The program also offers an Alarm Clock and a Stop Watch.
Minimum system requirements: Windows 95/ 98 / Win Me / Win XP / Win 2000/ Vista, 100 MHz Pentium processor, 32 MB RAM.